S mladými na periferii Ulánbátaru
Naše služba v Šovó
Farnost Svaté rodiny
Místo k nalezení smyslu života a radosti z evangelia.
Školní družina (Day Caring Center)
Pomoc se vzděláním a stravovacím program.
Novinky se Šovó
Christmas wish from Holy Family Parish in Mongolia
Dear friends, I greet you warmly from afar and send you a short Christmas video greeting. In it, touch the...
Calendar of the Holy Family Parish is ready for download
ike previous 3 yeas, there is ready to use Calendar of Holy Family with Liturgical calendar, Saints, basic Mongolian prayers...
Advent way 2024
This year Advent starts 1/12/2024. Let us go together to Bethlehem to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ....
Holy Family Parish
Han–Uul district, 13-th horoo, Tuul viliage
Ulaanbaatar city
Salesiánská komunita
- P. Simon
- P. Jaroslav Vracovský
- P. Paul Kang
Salesiánská komunita v Shuwuu je součástí komunity salesiánů v Ulánbátaru