In occasion of the feast of Mary Immaculate, December 8, 2021, there was launched a new updated website of Mongolian delegation in 3 languages on www.dbmongolia.org.

The first website of Mongolian delegation was build in 2016 aiming to communicate Salesian Mission in Mongolia to all the Salesian world and the joy of Gospel to Mongolian people. The web contained 66 pages and in 5 years there were written 127 posts in 3 languages!
Last year appeared a need to upgrade the Delegation web into modern design. 2 months process of developing a new design and updated content was finalized in December 2021. The new web became a gift not only for Mary Immaculate, but for all Mongolian people and people around the world. Visit us on www.dbmongolia.org and help us to fulfill a missionary dream of Don Bosco here! The old web is still available on www.old.dbmongolia.org.