During July and August 2022 there were 4 volunteers from Poland in Mongolia, mainly for the service in Salesian Caring Center. Their service was well appreciated by local people and Salesians serving in Mongolia as well.
Our organization – Salesian Missionary Volunteering from Wrocław – helps many countries in Africa and Asia, Mongolia is among them. Volunteers who want to go to one of the partner facilities of our organization in one of the mission countries must go through two years of preparation, during this time, get involved in helping in Poland, go on mission Sundays during which we raise money for mission projects, participate in weekly meetings on Wednesdays and participate in our other aid and awareness campaigns about the needs of mission countries. During preparations, an application for a mission is also submitted, an initial interview, pre-departure training and mission campaigns take place. A volunteer collects money, learns about the institution’s needs, etc.
The decision about which country to go to is made by the volunteer coordinator and the president of the voluntary service, but in agreement with the volunteer.
This year, seven people from Wrocław went on missions three to Southern Sudan and four to Mongolia.
Our mission in Mongolia is only two months due to problems with opening a visa for longer We flew in here primarily to the caring center boys.Our task is to teach them English and conduct art classes, but most of all spend time with them, pay attention to them, play with them, watch movies and cartoons, help them in everyday life.
In the meantime, we also had the opportunity to meet some children and youth from Shuvuu, at the summer camp, as well as during the daily activities with the boys from the care center, which the little residents of Shuvuu willingly joined
Our mission is slowly coming to an end after spending almost two months here, Mongolia amazed us with its beautiful landscape, amazing spaces, beautiful rivers and picturesque villages. However, the people we met here will remain the most in our hearts, they are very open and kind, warm, hospitable and caring. Children are incredibly joyful and energetic, adults are calm and always smiling. Despite the difference in appearance and origin, we have never felt unwanted, less important or rejected here, they have always treated us with kindness and love and it is this love that we fill with after these two months and we will definitely come back from this cold country, we will be full of warm feelings, joy and longing for this place.
Patrycja Szwabowicz